Note: The traditional knowledge examples given below are just an indicative/illustrative sample. Herbal practices similar to the ones given below may also have been received from other people from same/ different parts of the country.

Uses from NIF Database
Eye irritation

Extract juice from ripen fruit and add equal amount of honey. Put one drop of the mixture in the eyes before going to bed at night- Indira Chandel, Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh


Take equal amounts of Ko belang, Terminalia chebula Retz., Terminalia bellirica Roxb. and groind into a fine powder. Take two spoonful powder orally- Pritam Chand, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh


Take equal amounts of Ko belang fruit, ginger, black pepper and turmeric are ground into fine powder. Take one tea-spoonful of this powder alongwith honey- Nagarmal Bagaria, Nagor, Rajasthan


Take juice of Ko belang, with an equal quantity of lemon juice orally- Bina Chaudhry, Kamrup, Assam


Boil the fruit, tea leaves and garlic; take decoction orally- Bartyl Suchiang, Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya

Gynaecological disorder

Take equal amounts of Ko belang, tapioca, cumin and grind into a fine powder. Take one spoon of the powder orally- Gunaram Kanikar, Golaghat, Assam

Uses described in Literature

Bark and fruits are used in diarrhoea and dysentery20; fresh juice of the fruit, mixed with pure cow’s butter and honey, is administered to cure obstinate hiccough20; juice relieves pain in urine trouble 20; pulp (2-3g) is eaten with warm milk to get rid of headache112; powder of seeds after mixing with ghee is applied on the head to stop nasal bleeding14; fruits are taken orally to reduce acidity113; decoction of the fruit is taken to increase blood count99. Phyllanthus is one of the main ingredients of well known medicines ‘Triphala, Chavanprash and Amla hair oil’11. Seventy six patents have been found on its medicinal uses such as for diabetes114, liver disorders and immune deficiencies