Note: The traditional knowledge examples given below are just an indicative/illustrative sample. Herbal practices similar to the ones given below may also have been received from other people from same/ different parts of the country.

Uses from NIF Database

Take the root decoction (50g) orally once a day-Ramnarayan Gameti, Udaipur, Rajasthan


Cook the leaves of Boerhaavia (5g), one small onion, a small piece of ginger and a spoonful of cardamom and take it orally - Hasina Khan, Margav, Goa


Take the root juice (half cup) orally.- Chattu Lachanna, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

Kidney stone

Boil the whole plant (50g) in water (600-700ml) along with three crushed black pepper seeds and one spoon of sugar till the solution reduces to one-third. Filter and take it orally- Rani B. Bhagat, Pune, Maharashtra


Take the root juice orally- Rani B. Bhagat, Pune, Maharashtra

Uses described in Literature

The leaf juice is given with milk to get relief from cataract39; decoction of the plant is given orally to purify blood40; the plant extract is used as diuretic41; and decoction of the leaves is applied externally in case of skin infections42. ‘Liver-kidney care’43made from this plant works synergistically on the liver and kidney to heal and prevent infections in both the systems. Fourteen patents have been found on various medicinal applications of Boerhaavia for different ailments mainly for liver disorders44, hypertension 45etc.